( I wrote this script for Kencare Learning Center's Christmas celebration and 12th foundation day. It was performed by the cutest, smartest kids I've ever come across: the Kencare kids.I'm publishing the excerpt here. If a school or children's theatre org wants to perform it, just let me know!:) Above photos: 1. Twinkle Toes, my favorite characters; 2. reading rehearsals of the cast.)
Scene : A modern dance studio
Characters : Female ballet teacher, little ballet dancer
Action :
A ballet teacher and her student execute the final steps of their practice performance. The little girl invites her teacher to have Christmas dinner with her family.The teacher remembers a fairytale entitled “The Magical Dancing Shoes,” and tells her student all about it.
Lights on for Teacher Lily and her student, Jasmine, as they execute their final ballet steps to the music of
Teacher Lily applauds her student.
Teacher Lily:
Very good, Jasmine! You are so ready for the program on Christmas Eve!
Really, Teacher Lily? I practiced very , very hard.
Teacher Lily:
You must be very tired then. You’d better go home. Who’s going to pick you up?
Jasmine :
Papa and Mama. But I’m not tired yet. We’re going to the mall to buy my ballet shoes.
Teacher Lily:
But you already have a pair, don’t you?
Jasmine (sadly):
I lost them in school, Teacher Lily. So now we have to buy another pair. I simply can’t dance without my shoes!
Teacher Lily (thinking):
Hmmm. That reminds me of a story my mother used to tell me when I was your age.
Jasmine (excitedly):
Really, Teacher Lily? What story is that?
Teacher Lily:
It’s about a girl…a princess who lost her dancing shoes.
How sad! How did she lose her shoes? Did she find them again? Were they magical shoes?
Oh do please tell me the story!
Teacher Lily (teasingly):
But your parents are about to pick you up. There’s no time.
Oh please Teacher Lily! They’re gonna be late because of the traffic. Please tell me the story.
Teacher Lily :
Oh alright. Let’s see. The title of the story is… The Magical Dancing Shoes.
Lights fade out. Exit Teacher Lily and Jasmine. Lights on for (SINGER), as she sings, “ONCE UPON A TIME..” Instrumental music continues while lights go out, after the singer exits the stage. Set up BACKDROP OF ROYAL HALL. Very bright lights on for LORDS AND LADIES, passing around Christmas décor. LORDS AND LADIES lipsynch and dance to “DECK THE HALLS.”
Scene : Dancetopia, the Kingdom of Dance,royal castle interior. King and Queen sit on their throne. They watch the Princess and other members of the court dance on the great hall
Characters: King Tenorio, Queen Melodia, Princess Rina, Twinkle Toes, Lords and Ladies, Contessa, Big Toe, Tiny Toe
Princess Rina leads the Court in a grand rehearsal for the much-awaited Christmas in Dancetopia. King and Queen look on proudly. The practice is interrupted by the Contessa and her daughters, Big Toe and Tiny Toe, who threaten to disrupt the celebration. After and exchange of words, The King and Queen reluctantly invite the Contessa, who is the Queen’s elder sister, to stay the night.
Herald (announcing):
Make way for the King and Queen of Dancetopia! (Everyone clears a path in the center. All Lords and Ladies curtsy as the King and Queen pass them. King and Queen stand in front of their throne.)
King Tenorio (jovially):
People of Dancetopia, welcome,welcome,welcome! What say you my Queen?
Queen Melodia (regally):
I say let us continue with the Christmas spirit (the people cheer). But wait! Where…where is our daughter, the Princess Ballerina?
Princess Rina (hurrying to her parents side):
I’m here! Sorry, I’m late.
Queen :
As usual.
Princess Rina:
Oh, but I’ve been practicing, Queen Mother!
King :
Oh yes, yes, the Christmas Eve Dance! Are you sure you’re ready for that, Princess?
Of course. Would you like to see a…a…preview?
Why not?
Herald (announcing):
Ladies and gentlemen, the royal rehearsal!
Princess :
Wait! First, let me summon my back-up dancers…the Twinkle Toes! First, let me call on…Sopranita! Yoohoo! Come over here!
Sopranita (entering a la concert diva)
I’m heeeeeeere! (in a high voice)
Princess :
Next, let’s call on Altina!
Altina (entering a la diva):
Present (in a low voice) !
Now, here’s Lullabye!
Lullabye (entering like a bird or butterfly):
Hello, everybody (twittering like a bird)
Three down, three to go…where’s Rhumba?
Rhumba (flamenco dance entry):
Arriba! Arriba!
Where’s Perlita?
Perlita (pearly shells entry)
Mabuhay (waves like a beauty queen while dancing hawaiian)!
And who can forget…Tarantella?
Tarantella (quick step entry)
Alright ladies, Shall we?
Princess and Twinkle Toes in formation for ensemble ballet number. At one point, Twinkle Toes step aside as Princess
Dances solo. After the dance, there is wild applause
King :
Splendid! Marvelous! Magnificent!
Surely, I was moved. I am now convinced that everything is ready for the Christmas Eve Dance! Oh, what a truly amazing night it will be! The night when our dear Princess will inherit the magical dancing shoes!
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA music intrudes. A fearful hush befalls the crowd as the Contessa, followed by her daughters Big Toe and Tiny Toe, move to the center.
Contessa (sneeringly, fanning herself haughtily) :
Bravo, dear sister Queen, bravo! Your special project, the so-called Christmas Eve dance, will soon be upon us. How exciting.
Big Toe:
Tiny Toe:
What do you want, Contessa?
Why, nothing, sister queen. Well, maybe there is ONE thing, like an invitation to your special event?
Queen :
As I recall, you don’t dance. You HATE to dance. So we thought you wouldn’t mind if you weren’t invited.
Contessa(shows hurt feelings):
Aw, sis. I could have just…sat down in a corner to watch the dancing. Especially my very popular and charming niece, the Princess Rina.
Thank you, Auntie…Mother, can’t Aunte come to the dance?
Queen :
The King and I will think about it.
King :
That we’ll do. We will let you know tomorrow, Contessa.
Big Toe & Tiny Toe:
What about us?
But of course you’re welcome too. Tomorrow you’ll have our decision.
Dear sister, you sound like you don’t trust me.
After stealing MY dancing shoes when we were children, and selling it to the wicked witch with two left feet? How can I trust you?
That was a long time ago. How you keep a grudge. Just because you’re a queen now, you can step on my rights?
Why you…you… (the sisters advance on each other, gearing for a fight.
Big Toe and Tiny Toe:
Yes! Yes! Yes! Cat fight!
King (coming between Queesn and Contessa):
That’s it. That’s enough. You, Contessa,you and your daughters will sleep here tonight as our guests. We’ll talk about your invitation tomorrow.
Whatever. (Aside to the audience) I don’t care if I’m invited or not. I just came here for ONE THING. Well, TWO… actually…
That’s settled? Then continue with the preparations!
Christmas music fades up as lords and ladies pass around the décor. Then lights and music out. Narration follows, through the voices of Teacher Lily and Jasmine.
Oh no, Teacher Lily. I’m sure Contessa is planning something evil.
Teacher Lily:
As a matter of fact, she is! You see, the Contessa feels bad about the Christmas Dance, not just because she wasn’t invited, but because on that night, the magical dancing shoes will be passed on to Princess Rina. Those shoes have been passed on from generation to generation, and whoever owns these shoes receive special powers as well.
What powers?
Teacher Lily:
Well, why don’t you listen to the rest of the story, and you’ll find out?
Scene II
Scene : Royal chamber where magic shoes are kept
Characters: Contessa, Big Toe, Tiny Toe, King, Queen, Princess Rina, Sentinels, Twinkle Toes
Action: The Contessa and her daughters put the sentinels to sleep and sneak into the chamber where the magical dancing shoes are kept. After many clumsy attempts, the Contessa succeeds in getting the shoes. She leaves a note bragging about what she will do with the shoes. The King, Queen and Princess discuss the only way in which the shoes can be retrieved, and that is by seeking the counsel and protection of the Fairy Queen, who lives in an enchanted forest. The Princess does not show her parents how afraid she is. The Twinkle Toes arrive to cheer up the Princess, and promise to go with her on her dangerous journey.
Mysterious Nutcracker music fades up and under. There is no backdrop, but on centerstage is a glass case containing the magical dancing shoes. The shoes are gold in color, and lie on a red velvet pillow. Light shines on these shoes, while the rest is total darkness. This goes on for a full minute,, until the Contessa and her two daughters arrive at the scene, tiptoeing, comically circling the glass case, until all three stop on stage right. They speak in loud whispers.
Well, daughters, we have put the guards to sleep. The entire castle is asleep. Even the cates and the mice are asleep! Now it’s time to do what we came here to do.
Tiny Toe:
Big Toe:
No, silly! We came here to get the shoes.
Tiny Toe:
Oh, yes, yes, the shoes. I forgot.
Now, don’t forget, you must sound like the Princess when you speak the magic words. Ok Big Toe, practice first. Say the magic words.
Big Toe (in a raspy voice):
Shoes so light, shoes so bright, may you please be mine tonight!
Make your tone lighter.
Big Toe (trying very hard to sound light, but fails):
Shoes so light, shoes so bright, may you please be mine tonight!
You sound like a creaky elevator! You, Tiny Toe. You try.
Tiny Toe:
“Shoes tonight, shoes so mine, please you may be bright and light!”
You got it all mixed up!
Tiny Toe:
“Shoes so light, shoes so bright, shoes so tight, the fit’s not right…?”
Grrrrr…you two are hopeless! Come with me. I’ll do it myself (drags her daughters towards the glass case). I will say the words, then the case will lift. Now you, Big Toe, grab the right shoe, and you Tiny Toe, grab the left. Got it?
Big Toe and Tiny Toe:
Got it, Mother!
The Contessa moves beside the case. Her daughters mix up her directions again. Big Toe goes to the left side, and Tiny Toe goes to the right. The Contessa says the magic words, mimicking the Princess’ voice.
“Shoes so light, shoes so bright, may you please be mine tonight?”
Nutcracker music fades up to a crescendo, and the glass case is lifted from its base. Big Toe and Tiny Toe grab the shoe nearest them, then realizes it’s the wrong shoe.
Big Toe and Tiny Toe:
Oops! I got the wrong shoe! (They toss the shoe to each other, but fail to catch it. )
No! No ! No! Silly Toes! Don’t do that! Be careful! (But the sisters drop, accidentally kick, and do all sorts of clumsy things to the shoes. Exasperated, the Contessa stops them from doing any more damage).
Contessa (in a hoarse, angry whisper):
You, Big Toe. Stay in that corner. You, Tiny Toe, stay in that corner! (She picks up the shoes herself). Oh, look at these precious shoes! I waited all my life to possess these shoes…and now, and now…they’re mine, all mine! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (SFX Thunder, Lightning effects, dramatic suspenseful music. The Contessa breaks into song, to the tune of “I GOT TWO SHOES”)
Mission accomplished, my daughters…let us go now…oh, wait. First, I must leave a little love letter…(puts the letter on the velvet pillow)…There. Away we go, and enjoy the powers of these magical dancing shoes!
Exit Contessa and her daughters. Lights out, and melancholy Nutcracker music fades in and under. Daylight slowly fills the stage, and two sentinels enter to find the glass case empty.
Sentinel 1:
The magical dancing shoes…they’re gone!
Sentinel 2:
Where could they be? Who could have taken them?
Sentinel 1 :
We have to tell the King and Queen.
Sentinel 2 :
But…they’ll be mad at us. We’re supposed to guard the shoes, and now they’re gone.
Sentinel 1:
But we have to tell them. We have to! Let’s go! (They leave in a huff, then return with the King, Queen, and Princess Rina).
Princess (seeing the empty case):
It’s true then…the shoes are gone!
Who could do such a thing?
Queen (seeing the note):
There’s a note (scans it, then frowns). As I suspected. Listen :
“Dear Sister Queen and her royal family,
Sorry, but I got your precious magical shoes, and I’m not returning them. Now, there will be no more dancing, ever again! I will use the shoes and be the most powerful being on earth! Everything I step on will turn to gold! Everyone I kick will obey me forever. And you can do nothing about it. I will wear the shoes one hour before Christmas eve. And then my powers will take effect.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
Contessa “
I can’t believe she’d do it again, steal a pair of shoes!
Not just any pair of shoes. The shoes that our daughter was supposed to inherit on Christmas Eve.
I don’t really care whether I inherit anything or not. I’m more worried about her threat to kick people, and to stop people from dancing! Oh, we have to do something, Father, Mother! We have to get those shoes back before she wears them on Christmas Eve.
But how? The Contessa’s mansion is guarded by Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirrels! No one can get past them!
Wait…there is a way…but…
But what, my dear?
Queen (looks apprehensively at her daughter):
The Princess…must cross the Enchanted Flurry Forest, and seek the wisdom and protection of the Fairy Queen, Fleurella. She will speak to no one but the heiress of the magical dancing shoes.
Then I will do it! I will seek Fleurella, then I will get the shoes back.
My daughter! The forest is full of dangerous animals. And the Flurry Fairies are mischievous beings. I will not allow you to set foot on the forest!
But Father, there is no other way! Let me do it! I will take the Twinkle Toes with me. I won’t be alone.
As much as it pains me to let her go, my King, we have to, since it’s the only way.
I promise to be careful, Father.
King (sighs):
Alright. When will you leave?
A.S.A.P.! There is no time to lose!
Alright then. Sentinels, go fetch the Twinkle Toes.
Sentinel 1:
Your Majesty, we are so sorry about the shoes!
Sentinel 2:
We were put to sleep by the Contessa and her daughters.
I do not blame you. Go!
Thank you, your Majesty! (Exit sentinels).
We will leave you now to prepare for your trip. Your Mother and I have much to do. Take care, my daughter.
Be brave and wise, daughter. Come back to us safe.
Thank you, Father, Mother, I will (Exit King and Queen).
I didn’t show Mother and Father, but I am afraid. I know what I have to do. I know where I have to go. But I don’t know what will happen…No, no, I mustn’t be afraid. Let me think of a way to keep from being afraid…
Lights shift to SINGER as she sings, “ I WHISTLE A HAPPY TUNE .“ After the first verse, the 6 Twinkle Toes enter to dance to the song. Afterwards, exit SINGER, and the Twinkle Toes surround the Princess.
Have you heard? Are you willing to go with me?
Twinkle Toes (huddling like cheerleaders):
Y-E-S, Yes, yes we are! We will go with our Princess, near or far! (The Princess and Twinkle Toes giggle and exit.)
Lights out. Narration voice over is heard.
Teacher Lily:
And so, Princess Rina and her loyal Twinkle Toes set off towards Flurry Forest to seek the protection and wisdom of the mysterious Fairy Queen, Fleurella.
Who is Fleurella? What sort of protection will she give the Princess?
Teacher Lily:
She alone knows the dance steps that will confuse the Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirrels, who closely guard the Contessa. The princess will greatly benefit from knowing these steps.
What about the forest…what’s it called again?
Teacher Lily:
The Flurry Forest. Oh it’s a mysterious place, filled with dangerous animals and mischievous fairies.
Will they stop the Princess from seeing Fleurella, or will they help her?
Teacher Lily:
You ask a lot of questions, young lady. Let me just continue with the story. So now they Princess Rina and her Twinkle Toes have reached Flurry Forest, where the trees seem to watch them with secret eyes, and those forest animals just waiting to pounce on them…
-End of excerpt-
/mre 10/06/06
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